Join our Medical Database!

Focus Insite is one of the nation’s premier marketing research companies dedicated to providing the highest quality research to our clients. Whether you are a physician, nurse practitioner, RN, LPN, nurse educator, physicians’ assistant, technician, medical office manager or other medical professional we need your help! Medical Research is absolutely key to developing new products and services and helping patients and caregivers alike. Please read the information below and then register to get in our database and participate in our studies!

Who Can Register?
We need YOU if you are a medical professional either a doctor, nurse, nurse practitioner, or maybe a health care administrator or a surgical technician. Or maybe you’re a patient with diabetes, high blood pressure or a disease for example.

How Do I Register?
Just go to the front page of our site and click on whether you are a medical professional or patient/caregiver and enter your information. The more you complete, the better your chance to get into one of our PAID studies!

Is My Information Secure?
YES! Focus Insite adheres to the Market Research Association (MRA) code of ethics on data collection. That means your information is kept completely confidential. We do not sell or give your information to any third party. For more information about MRA standards, please visit the MRA website.

I just registered- now what?
Just sit back! When we get a study in, we will look in our database first to see who meets the criteria we are looking for. If you match, we will call you or email you! PLEASE use your best cell phone or email address that you check often.

What Are My Responsibilities as a Focus Group Participant?
We ask that you:

  • Arrive for your appointment on time and ready to participate in the discussion.
  • Notify Focus Insite if you must cancel with as much advance notice as possible.
  • Privacy Policy
    Focus Insite and all its companies are committed to the protection and safeguarding of personal data collected from persons who are (a) consumers, (b) patients relating to health information and (c) business individuals or entities relating to business information.

    YOUR PRIVACY IS IMPORTANT TO US. Focus Insite Inc. respects the privacy of respondents and individuals who respond to electronic information requests. When you register to become a market research participant with Focus Insite Inc., your contact information and other demographic information is added to our database of potential market research participants so that we can contact you when a market research study is being conducted that you may qualify for. To protect the identity and confidentiality of participants in our database, Focus Insite Inc. does not resell or redistribute your information to anyone outside of our company.

    If you would like to unsubscribe from our database and no longer receive calls or emails about upcoming focus groups, please click unsubscribe.

    What is a “focus group” anyhow?

    For some people, they just aren’t familiar with what a focus group is in general.

    Focus group discussion is a research methodology in which a small group of participants gather to discuss a specified topic or an issue to generate data. The main characteristic of a focus group is the interaction between the moderator and the group, as well as the interaction between group members. The objective is to give the researcher an understanding of the participants’ perspective on the topic in discussion. Focus groups are rapidly gaining popularity in health and medical research. Focus groups are an important research tool within the context of health research, with the intention of promoting its use among researchers in healthcare.
    The healthcare industry is very large, and there are always many issues which we need your opinions on for our clients- some of them are for new cures for medical conditions, some are testing out new pieces of equipment, and for some we need to talk with practice managers for example on their opinions on the Affordable Care Act.
    These are usually very interesting for the participants as well as they have a chance to demonstrate their professional and real world knowledge.